Microphone Check 1, 2, 1, 2

Testing, testing—is this thing on?

Whohn Brose is headed for Central America in T-minus one week, which means it’s crunch time re: all of our pre-trip to-dos.

With our most pressing items behind us—like paying more than $350 to not get Yellow Fever or Typhoid, and also splurging on those really hip pants that zip away into cargo shorts—it’s time to get this blog show on the road. Erm, Whohn the road, we should say.

To be frank, we have no idea where this travel blog will go. In fact, we’re not even entirely set on where we will go! But we do have an ambitious plan to get from Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula to Panama’s San Blas Islands in a little over 17 weeks—documenting our travels and tried-and-true backpacker advice along the way.

Until our flight leaves for Cancun next Tuesday at 5:50 a.m., we’ll be here in Portland cherishing our last week of sub-70° weather and the privilege of keeping our mouths open during hot showers. Not to mention some serious debating re: the pros and cons of dropping $400 on anti-malarials versus potentially contracting a rare form of malaria that will stick with us for the rest of our lives.

Stay tuned for the journey of our lifetime, as told through bad puns and stylized Instagram posts guaranteed to give you FOMO. There will be plenty to see and plenty to taco ‘bout.

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